Poolers who enroll in Guaranteed Ride Home may receive taxi fare or rental car reimbursement in the case of:
>personal or family illness;
>unscheduled overtime;
>unscheduled departure of carpool or vanpool driver.
Key points of the Guaranteed Ride Home Program are:
>Participants must carpool or vanpool to work on a regular basis.
>Commuters must make their own arrangements for a taxicab or rental car.
Reimbursements will be made for trips from the work site to the residence or pooler meeting location. Intermediate stops (e.g., day care or hospital) are permitted.
Taxi fares will be reimbursed for trips up to 100 miles one way; rental cars for one day.
The program may be used up to six times per year but no more than twice in one month.
When you register for Guaranteed Ride Home, your information will be added to the RideShare database. When you need a matchlist in the future, you will have this useful tool available.
Guaranteed Ride Home Application
If you're already enrolled and need to be reimbursed for your emergency ride home, complete and mail the GRH Reimbursement Voucher with the original dated receipt.
SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, is a membership organization of local governments. We work with local elected leaders to help solve regional issues that extend beyond individual governmental boundaries. We advocate for the good of Southeast Michigan and its citizens, and the wise use of taxpayer dollars. Our region includes Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne Counties.
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