Besides being the Editor Emeritus of Essence Magazine, Susan is the the Founder and CEO of a the National Cares Mentoring Movement (NCMM) NCMM's goal is to connect every at-risk African American youngster with a caring adult who will mentor that child either one-on-one or in a group setting.
Every Essence Magazine reader remembers Susan's monthly editorial entitled "In the Spirit". Susan gave an excellent speech this evening on the power of self. She spoke about the Spirit living inside of each of us - the Spirit that can change each of us for the better if we listen and allow it to work. She reminded us that these times that we live in are hard, but they are not the worst of times. and that we have the power within us to change whatever circumstances we find ourselves in. Because God is not going to do what we can do for ourselves.
She encouraged all of us to make the time to give back to our community. She reminded us that gaining more material possessions is not what makes us happy - what really makes us happy is feeling safe and loved. So we can change the world around us if we take some of our talents to help others (especially our children) feel safe and loved.
She is a powerful and gracious woman. This was a very wonderful event ...

Detroit Reads! International Literacy Day
Come join us and celebrate Detroit Reads! International Literacy Day with Susan L. Taylor, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Essence Magazine and Founder & CEO of National Cares Mentoring Movement!
Susan L. Taylor is synonymous with Essence magazine, the brand she built—as its fashion and beauty editor, as editor-in-chief and editorial director. She is the author of four books, with her most recent, 'All About Love, Favorite Selections from In the Spirit on Living Fearlessly,' available for purchase the day of the event. A much sought-after speaker, Taylor inspires hope and encourages us to reclaim our lives, mentor and nurture our youth, and create sustainable communities.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Detroit Main Public Library
5201 Woodward Avenue
International Literacy Day Reception
Meet and Greet the Author, Susan L. Taylor
Mezzanine of Detroit Public Main Library
6 pm RSVP to 313-833-4042
An Evening with Susan L. Taylor
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Essence Magazine and Founder of the National Cares Mentoring Movement, On the Subject of Literacy
Friends Auditorium on "A" Level of the Detroit Public Main Library
7 pm
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