Tutus for Tanner was one of the many ways for BlogHer conference goers to give back |
Blogher helps the community
The BlogHer conference was not just about parties and learning new blogging techniques. The conference was dedicated to giving back to the community through various methods...
1) BlogHer 5k: Running for Conner
Why are these women (and a man) in tutus and running shoes? The BlogHer conference included a 5K run/walk that turned into a movement to help raise money for a little boy named Tanner who is living with a terminal illness called Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy. The tutus attracted lots of attention as we 5k runners and walkers took to the street and helped get out the word about children living with terminal illness.
Click here to read more about Tutus for Tanner.
2) The White House Project
The mission of the The White House Project is to get more women to run for public office. I became familiar locally with The White House Project because of Joni Hubred-Golden from the Michigan Women's Forum. Joni is raising money for
The White House Project to help Michigan woman with the expenses of running for office.
BlogHer teamed with The White House Project to put on a 1/2 day training session for bloggers with aspirations to became public servants. Here are the live blogs from those sessions:
White House Project - Call to Action
White House Project - Q&A with Linda Tarr-Whelan
White House Project - Invitation to Run and Closing Remarks
White House Project - Exercising Influence at Every Level
3) The Responsibility Project
Liberty Mutual sponsored a booth in the exhibition hall where conference goers could get a professional
photo with the Statue of Liberty if they took the
responsibility pledge.
4) Going Green
There were many green initiatives at BlogHer'10. The conference was free of bottled water.
Filtrete donated water bottles to every blogger and
PUR provided onsite water stations. If bloggers did not like the swag that was received, BlogHer had a swag exchange room sponsored by
Future Friendly where the items could be traded. At the end of the conference, the unwanted items were donated to the Salvation Army.
Click here to read about all the green initiatives from the conference.
5) Blogging for Change
Blogher dedicated an entire segment of training to the topic "Change Agents". Six sessions dealt with blogging to bring about change in the community:
Screw Work/Life Balance, We Need Work/Life POLICY!
How to Start, Engage in and Moderate Civil Political Debate
Radical Blogging Moms
Resource Blogging - Serving Your Community One Post at a Time
Creating Tangible Social Change
How to Build A Community Around Your Cause
6) International Women Bloggers risk their lives for truth
Would you still blog if your life was on the line for the things that you write about? The BlogHer'10 International Activist Blogger Panel consisted of four women who blogged at great risk to their personal safety. No cameras were allowed during this session.
Click here to read the live blog.
7) BlogHer Conference Bags help Women in India
Every time I go to a conference, I fall in love with the conference bag. They are usually distinctive bags designed just for the conference. The BlogHer conference bag is definitely one of my favorites. The tote bag is a feminine eco-friendly jute tote bag fully lined and a great size for carrying around all those necessities of life. But the bag also is a way to help women to free themselves from human trade.
The BlogHer Conference bags were donated by Gettington.com. The BlogHer conference bag is a specially designed version of a bag sold on the Gettington website called the
Freeset Bag. These are the words from the tag on the bag -

The Freeset Bag tells a story of a women's journey to freedom. She used to sell her body on the streets of Kokata, India alongside thousands of other women. Trapped in prostitution, her life was full of shame. She didn't choose her profession, it choose her. Poverty robbed her of the choices, dignity and hope we all take for granted. Today she can choose to make Freeset bags instead of selling her body. She works descent hours for decent pay and is learning how to read and write. As she collects her daughter from the Freeset nursery, she knows freedom is being passed on to the next generation."
Every Freeset bag that you buy, helps a woman change her life by providing dignified employment opportunities.
One FREEISMYLIFE reader will win a BlogHer conference Freeset bag and a conference landyard.
-Fill out the information in the form below.
- One entry per person please.
- The contest ends on Monday, September 6, 2010 at 11:59pm EST.
- The winner will be selected by random number generation.
Continental US Addresses only.
- The winner will be contacted by email on Monday, September 7, 2010. If a winner does not respond within 24 hours of the email being sent, another winner will be chosen. Contest fulfillment will be provided by FREEISMYLIFE through US mail.
- You can get 1 extra contest entry for following FREEISMYLIFE on
- You can get 1 extra contest entry for liking "Tutus for Tanner" on
- You can get 1 extra contest entry for liking "Freeset" on
Click here if contest entry form is not shown
Click here to read all the BlogHer'10 posts