If you read my first post on the BlogHer 2010 conference in New York, then you will remember I mentioned attending a number of private parties. One of those parties was hosted by online giant AOL. I found out from this party that AOL knows how to treat a lady.
Marcus Samuelsson from Top Chef |
We arrived at Hudson Terrace and were immediately whisked up a private elevator where we were greeted by an all male wait staff (they were models) elegantly attired in all black and each carrying a tray of yummy hors d'ouvres or specialty drinks. We were treated to manicures as we sipped our champagne or martinis and watched former Top Chef contestant Marcus Samuelsson demonstrate how our dinner was prepared. The wait staff never allowed our glasses nor our plates to be empty as we lounged on sofas with a perfect view of New York and met other bloggers. It was as if AOL has read the minds of over-worked women everywhere and had come up with a perfect evening of total indulgence.
AOL made us Glamour Queens
We ended the evening dressing up with fashion props to have our photos taken by a professional photographer who gave the prints an old Hollywood black and white look. Pretty cool!
Click here if video is not shown
Practicing Our Interview Skills
We were also invited to make a video courtesty of AOL and MyDaily.com. Here I am with Laura from LauraintheMotorCity.com with our silly interview and our shout out to Detroit.
What a Party!
On the way out of the party, AOL provided each blogger with an AOL bag filled with goodies to remember our evening in paradise. Food. Drink. Eye-Candy. Glamour. Gifts. Why can't life be this way every day?
Although nothing can duplicate the evening I enjoyed, I would like to offer one FREEISMYLIFE reader an AOL bag of your own - sorry, no goodies included, but it's a nice big 20 inches by 16 inches white canvas tote that would be perfect for shopping.
When you use it, remind yourself that you need to register for BlogHer 2011 in San Diego, CA so you can be at the next AOL Party at BlogHer.
-Fill out the information in the form below.
-One entry per person please.
- The contest ends on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 11:59pm EST.
-The winner will be selected by random number generation.
-The winner will be contacted by email on Wednesday, August 25, 2010. If a winner does not respond within 24 hours of the email being sent, another winner will be chosen. Contest fulfillment will be provided by FREEISMYLIFE via USPS. Sorry, Addresses in the continential US only!
- You can get 1 extra contest entry for following FREEISMYLIFE on Twitter.
Good Luck!

CONGRATS TO OUR WINNER: Elizabeth P from Walled Lake, MI.
Click here to read all the posts from BlogHer10.