Does this real life on again, off again couple shine in this romantic story? Let's see what Liz thinks...
I should tell you beforehand that I am biased when it comes to Drew Barrymore movies, as I am a huge fan of hers. I met her in person at the Birmingham, MI screening of "Whip It" last year, and she seemed as nice in real life as most of her characters are in her movies. Therefore, I was hoping that I would be able to give this movie a good review, and luckily it seems that I can.
Erin (Drew Barrymore, "Everybody's Fine") and Garrett (Justin Long, "After.Life") meet in New York City while Erin is there for a summer internship. They instantly like each other but Erin cautions Garrett that their relationship can only last throughout the summer, as she is returning to San Francisco in August. After they part ways at the airport, however, they realize that they like each other too much for it to just be a "summer fling," and they decide to try having a long distance relationship together. Airfare is expensive, however, and they soon find that when you are only seeing each other every three months or so, it's tough to consider it a "relationship."
Barrymore and Long have undeniable chemistry - I read a review with Barrymore in which she said that she has had the most chemistry with him than with any others she's worked with - and it definitely makes the movie work. Long's friends in the movie are funny as well - Charlie Day (TV's "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia") plays Dan, Garrett's roommate, and Jim Gaffigan (TV's "My Boys") plays another friend. Christina Applegate (TV's "Samantha Who?") plays Erin's loving but a bit psycho sister, and Ron Livingston ("Dinner for Schmucks") has a small role as Garrett's boss at the record company where he works.
Yes, see this movie, but there are a few caveats. First off, the movie is rated "R" for a reason - this was probably the raunchiest comedy I have seen in a while. Unlike movies like "Hot Tub Time Machine," however, the vulgarity helps make the movie funny, and it's nothing too "over the top." There's also a lot of swearing which is to be expected from an R-rated movie, and we see some partial nudity as well. The audience (mostly the women) screamed with laughter when we see parts of Justin Long in a certain tanning scene ... it was definitely unexpected but it's done tastefully, in my opinion.
"Going the Distance" opens in theaters on Friday, September 3rd.