This blog post is a little late, but they say better late than never. On August 25th, women around the world started a 40 day Inner Mean Girl Cleanse to stop the 6 toxic behaviors that allow your inner mean girl to take over your life.
I am a total perfectionist and my inner mean girl is always rising up to play with my mind. I go through your basic mean self talk - "Is anyone really reading your blog that you work so hard on?", "If you had been smarter, you would have seen that coming!" and my favorite mean girl thought "You're too old to be trying something new at this stage of life".
So I am taking the 40 day Mean Girl Cleanse and I'm forcing all of you to take it with me. My next blog post will deal with the first inner mean girl toxic behavior of gossip. If you want to follow along, go to This could be cheaper than going to a therapist.
So what inner mean girl thoughts do you deal with? Leave a comment below if you want to share...