This is my third post in the "Inner Mean Girl" Series. Over 5000 women across the country are taking the Inner Mean Girl challenge to stop the 6 toxic behaviors that allow your inner mean girl to take over your life.
The first toxic behavior focus for week 1 was on Gossip.
The second toxic behavior focus is on Comparison. Comparison is a slippery slope. Comparing yourself, your body, your work, your family, your job to anyone else will usually leave you filling down. For me, I have a bad habit of comparing my blog to others. I like to read other blogs and I have been finding a number of blogs that are less than a year old that have tens of thousands of readers. That makes me wonder if I am doing something wrong.
I compare my blog design to others and my style of writing. When my numbers plateau, or worst yet, when folks start to unsubscribe from my RSS feed, my inferiority complex really gets the best of me. I really know how to throw a good pity party. No one wants to work hard and not be the best. So, I start to wonder if I know what I am doing, if any of my numbers are accurate, if any of my stuff is any good. Yes, I slowly slip down the hill of comparison. I've been doing this blogging thing I little too long to stay at the bottom of the hill of comparison for too long, but it angers me that I allow myself to go there at all.
The antidotes to the toxin of Comparison are Inspiration, Appreciation, and Gratitude. When I look at all the great things I see on other blogs, I get inspired to make changes on my own blog. So in addition to my RSS feed, I just setup a new Facebook page for my blog to help increase readership. I have learned to be appreciative of the progress that I have made in blogging thus far. I may not have a large following, but I appreciate each and every person that is following me and I am grateful for the chance I get everyday to make a difference in the amount of cash going out of wallets all around Detroit :)
My next blog post will deal with the third inner mean girl toxic behavior of Obligation. If you want to follow along with the Inner Mean Girl Cleanse, go to

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Disclosure: I am participating in the Inner Mean Girl 40-day Cleanse as a Self-Love Ambassador. To thank me for my participation, I will receive a self-love gift from the founders of the Inner Mean Girl Reform School.
Click here to read all the posts in the Inner Mean Girl Series