The Yankee Air Museum will celebrate the grand opening of our all-new Collections & Exhibit Building with exciting events on 10.10.10.
The date 9 October is a significant date in the history of the Yankee Air Museum. On October 9, 2004, the Yankee Air Museum suffered a terrible fire that destroyed the historic hangar housing the museum. While the heart of the collection survived, the museum did, however, lose virtually all of the tooling, equipment and spare parts for all of the aircraft, all of the office and display fixtures and equipment, and more than 35,000 artifacts and 8 aircraft totaling well over $4,000,000 in replacement value. That was the low point. Beginning October 10, 2004 the museum began its rebirth. It is significant that we are going to be celebrating the vitality and strength of this museum on the weekend of October 9th and 10th, just six years after the low point in our existence.
10.10.10 – Yankee Salute to Aviation
Featuring Aviation and Military Demonstrations and Museum Free Open House
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Noon – 5:00 PM
Yankee Air Museum Collections & Exhibits Building
47884 D Street
Willow Run Airport
Belleville, MI 48111
The Yankee Air Museum will unveil our new Collections & Exhibits Building in style with aviation and military demonstrations and an open house. And best of all, for one day only, it’s FREE! Learn about southeast Michigan’s important role in the history of aviation, check out the newest building addition to the Yankee Air Museum campus, and take in some entertainment while you’re there.
Misty Blues |
- The Misty Blues All-Women Skydiving Team
- Soviet MIG-17
- Screamin’ Rebels T-6 Formation Flying
- WWII Battle Reenactment
- Aircraft Static Displays
- Kidz’ Zone Play Area and hands-on kids activities
- Helicopter rides (requires donation)
- Much more!
Schedule Of Events
12:00 noon - Misty Blues Parachute Team - Streamer Drop
12:10 p.m. - Misty Blues Parachute Team - Jump
1:00 p.m. - MiG 17 flyover
2:00 p.m. - WWII Battle Reenactment
3:00 p.m. - T-6 Trainer Formation Flyover
4:00 p.m. - MiG 17 flyover
5:00 p.m. - Event ends