Looking for a REAL SALE . . . one that offers a true discount on items you can’t find anywhere else? Look no further than THE Sample Sale@Michigan Design Center.
For 2 days only, you’ll find clearance prices with savings of 60 to 70 percent off the best names in furniture, rugs, lamps, home accessories, artwork and more! These aren’t the leftovers, they’re actual floor samples that designers shop from every day and once our sale is over, so are these prices. Make plans to be there on Friday, January 28 and Saturday, January 29 and discover real savings on the real good stuff.
ADMISSION IS $5 per person, but you can get in for only $3 by printing THE EMAIL AT THIS LINK.
Design Seminars are also included with your Sample Sale admission. Each informative design seminar is approximately 30 minutes.
<>GOING GLOBAL: Inspired Design from Around the World
<>BEST SEAT IN THE HOUSE: Lessons from Goldilocks about Scale and Pattern
<>FACELIFT OR BOTOX? Injecting New Energy into Your Home
<>TOMORROW'S KITCHEN TODAY: New Ideas You Can Try Right Now
Remember: The Michigan Design Center is usually not open to the public. So make sure you take advantage of this opportunity.
Michigan Design Center
1700 Stutz Drive
Troy, Michigan 48084

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