Original Flicker Photo Credit: Pingüino
Don't Read This. It will Hurt Your Feelings...For the past month, I have been reading a book called "Attention! This Book will Make You Money" by Jim Kukral. The book shows how to use "Attention Marketing" to get the word out about your business for FREE. Believe it or not, I (the queen of cheap) actually paid money to buy this book - OK there may have been a coupon and gift certificate involved in the transaction, but the book was not totally free. Anyway, I loved the book and have been following Jim ever since. This week, Jim posted the following slideshow on his website with 13 reasons that are keeping people from being rich. I think Jim hit on the main reasons that most of us fail to totally commit to working toward our dreams.Just a warning that what is on this slides WILL hurt most folks feelings - they sure hurt my feelings. But they serve as a reminder that nothing worth having comes easy.Click here if you cannot see the slideshowSo what do you think? Leave a comment and share your thoughts...

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