9am–5pm; Doors open at 8:30am
FREE admission to Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village. PLUS receive FREE admission to Ford Rouge Factory Tour and IMAX Theatre when you attend one 20-minute educator session.
Click here to register for Teacher Appreciation Day
Highlights for the day includes:
Educator Sessions: 9am, 10am and 11am
As you plan your spring field trip, The Henry Ford is The Only Place that offers a wide variety of educational edventures for you and your students. Visit an educator session to learn how to connect your students to The Henry Ford online and onsite resources in the areas of history, science and technology. Also learn about professional development opportunities which include educator workshops, networking opportunities, and FREE educator events including an upcoming preview and lecture on the limited-engagement exhibit, “Discovering the Civil War” from The National Archives.
Attend an educator session and you will be eligible to win a $500 prize package that includes: A FREE Field Trip for your class, Annual Family Membership, and a handmade item from one of the Artisans in Greenfield Village. (Must be a certified K-12 teacher with a classroom to win)
*IMAX and Ford Rouge Factory Tour tickets will be distributed after each session on a first-come first-serve basis
Event check-in
IMAX Lobby (8:30am-4pm)
- All participants must check-in at the registration desk in the IMAX lobby.
- Teachers may register and bring a guest of their choice.
- Teachers must provide credentials (certification or school ID)
- For more information, please contact our Call Center at 313.982.6001.
The Henry Ford
20900 Oakwood Blvd.
Dearborn, MI 48124-4088

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