Monday, July 25, 2011

GIVEAWAY: WIN a $20 5x7 SOHO Gunmetal Frame for entering the Things Remembered Photo Contest ENDS 7/29 (CLOSED)

Win Prizes and a chance to be featured in the Things Remembered Holiday Ad Campaign!

I love photos.  If you have read my blog for any length of time, then you know how I love to include lots of photos in my blog posts.  Photos help to tell a rich story.  They draw the reader into the story that I am telling and let people have a small peek into my life to see the things that I care about.

One thing that I have noticed is that no two people can go the same event and take the exact same photo.  We are all individuals who see the world so differently and photos help to express a point of view that is truly unique. 

A Special Photo for Me
The photo above was taken when my son and I went to see Disney On Ice last year in the Palace of Auburn Hills.  He was 10 years old at the time. I realized as we sat enjoying the show that he is getting to the age where he won't want to go with me to "kiddie" events like this much longer. This photo is a way for me to hold on to that precious age between him being a kid and growing up.

Things Remembered Photo Contest awards $200 plus more!
Since this photo of me and my son is special to me, I entered it in the Things Remembered Photo Contest

Things Remembered understands that photos are special memories and they want to hear about a photo that is special to you.  Just upload a photo and tell your story about how the photo is special.  The winners will receive $200 and the chance to be featured in the Things Remembered Holiday Ad Campaign, both online and in stores.

This contest ends on Thursday, August 4th, 2011 at 2:05pm EDT.  The contest is only open persons residing in United States who are at least 18 years of age. Read the Official Rules  Winners will be selected after August 08, 2011.

So if $200 and a chance to be featured as part of a holiday ad campaign sound good to you, enter the Things Remembered Photo Contest at this link on Facebook.

One FREEISMYLIFE reader will win a  $20 Things Remembered 5x7 SOHO Photo Frame so that you can frame your special photo. And it's engravable with whatever memory/phrase you want to capture and remember! !  HOLLA!



 -  Fill out the information in the form below.

 - One entry per person please.  Duplicate entries will be removed.

 - USA addresses only.

 - The contest ends on Friday, July 29, 2011 at 11:59am EST.

 - The winners will be selected by random number generation.

 - Prize will be fulfilled to winner by Things Remembered on their PR Company.


- You can get 1 extra giveaway entry for following FREEISMYLIFE on Facebook.

- You can get 1 extra giveaway entry for following FREEISMYLIFE on Twitter.

- You can get 1 extra giveaway entry for tweeting the following message on Twitter "I entered the @freeismylife giveaway to win a $20 Things Remembered SOHO Photo Frame"


Disclosure: I am receiving a free Things Remembered product as a thank you for helping spread the word about the Things Remembered Photo Contest. All opinions expressed are my own. has spoken! Out of 21 entries, has picked #5. Congratulations to Nancy Rosario of Bayonne, NJ for winning the beautiful $20 Things Remembered 5x7 SOHO Frame !!!

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