10/01 - FREE Teacher Appreciation Day at The Henry Ford 10/1 with FREE Admission to all venues - DEARBORN
10/01 - FREE Taste of Eastern Market 10/1 10am-Noon
10/01 - FREE Home Depot Kids Workshop 10/1 9am-Noon
10/01 - FREE DSO Community Concerts 10/1 at Pease Auditorium, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti,MI - Tickets Needed
10/02 - FREE DSO Community Concerts 10/2 Orchestra Hall, Max M. Fisher Music Center - TICKETS NEEDED
10/3 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series OCTOBER 3—X-MEN: FIRST CLASS (2011)
10/03 - FREE Slice of Pizza at Toarmina's Pizza of Bloomfield OFFER ENDS 10/3
10/04 - FREE DSO Community Concerts 10/4 Woodhaven High School, 24787 Van Horn Road, Woodhaven -TICKETS NEEDED
10/04 - FREE "Hot Topics In Women's Health" Lecture Series 10/4 - Menopause 101 - West Bloomfield - RSVP
10/05 - FREE "Hot Topics In Women's Health" Lecture Series 10/5 - Managing Acid Reflux and the Effects on Your Voice and Throat - Groose Pointe - RSVP
10/06 - Downtown Milford’s "Ladies Night Out" features Contests & Discounts 10/6
10/07 - COUPON: FREE Lunch on Friday 10/7 at Romano's Macaroni Grill
10/07 - FREE Detroit Medical Center (DMC) Health Seminar 10/7 - Commerce
10/07 - MOVIE REVIEW: Real Steel - opens in theaters TODAY
10/07 - COUPON: FREE 20 oz Icee at AMC Theatres 9/16 9/23 9/30 10/7
10/07 - GIVEAWAY: Pillsbury Grands! Biscuit Sandwiches and Pillsbury Egg Scrambles ENDS 10/7
10/08 - FREE Taste of Eastern Market 10/8 10am-Noon
10/08 - FREE Home Efficiency Rebates Seminar from Flame Heating 10/8 WARREN
10/08 - FREE Panera Family Fun Day event - Rochester Hills with author Elizabeth Lange Cannella - There's a Monster in my Lunchbox
10/08 - FREE Lowes Build & Grow Clinic 10/8
10/08 - WIN Black Friday Prizes at Briarwood Mall when you donate during Shop & Give Event 10/8 - 10/15 - ANN ARBOR STARTS TODAY
10/09 - GROUPON DEAL: Four-Handed Massage at Franklin Spa for $45 - ENDS 10/9
10/10 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series OCTOBER 10 - Thor (2011)
10/10 - COUPON: 15% off for Columbus Day with Macys WOW Pass - ENDS 10/10
10/11 - GIVEAWAY: Naturalizer Shoes combine Style and Comfort - ENDS 10/11
10/11 - Coming to DVD on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 Horrible Bosses, Zookeeper, Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer
10/11 - COUPON: Kids eat FREE at Chili's with Adult Meal Purchase 10/11
10/12 - GIVEAWAY: Win REAL STEEL Movie Swag - ENDS 10/12
10/14 - GIVEAWAY: Modify Watches are Cool, Fashionable & Charitable ENDS 10/14
10/15 - FREE Taste of Eastern Market 10/15 10am-Noon
10/15 - Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) hosts FREE Bike Tour of Detroit Landmarks 10/15 - Registration Required
10/15 - WIN Black Friday Prizes at Briarwood Mall when you donate during Shop & Give Event 10/8 - 10/15 - ANN ARBOR ENDS TODAY
10/15 - 10/16 - $25 off any $25+ purchase this weekend on the Helzberg Diamonds website 10/15 - 10/16
10/16 - COUPON: 30% off at Coach Factory Outlet Stores ENDS 10/16
10/16 - LAST DAY: Disney On Ice presents "Mickey & Minnie’s Magical Journey" is hit with families
10/16 - FREE Admission to Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) for Detroit Residents 10/16
10/17 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series OCTOBER 17—FAST FIVE (2011)
10/17 - GIVEAWAY: Lovely Halloween Hair Accessories from Kaliah Designs ENDS 10/17
10/18 - Coming to DVD on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 "A Better Life"
10/19 - CONTEST: California Raisins "Give Kids Their Day in the Sun" recipe Contest! - WIN Gift Cards, Play Structure - ENDS 10/19
10/19 - FREE Halloween Witchypoo Revue 10/19 Oakland Mall - TROY
10/21 - CONTEST: WIN $1000 in the Restaurant.com Sweet vs. Saucy Contest - ENDS 10/21
10/21 - GIVEAWAY: Earn Cash Back for Dining out with iDine ENDS 10/21
10/22 - FREE Taste of Eastern Market 10/11 10am-Noon
10/22 - FREE Lowes Build and Grow Clinic for Kids - Build a Halloween Monster Truck
10/22 - FREE S.A.F.E. Domestic Violence Survivor Micro-Entrepreneurship Conference 10/22 8am - RSVP
10/23 - FREE CVS Halloween Party & Customer Event 10/23 9am-5pm
10/23 - COUPON: 20 FREE prints from your Facebook account at CVS - ENDS 10/23
10/24 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series OCTOBOER 24 - CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON (1954)
10/28 - FREE 22nd Annual Safety Street Halloween Party 10/28 4-7pm University of Detroit Mercy
10/28 - Kids get FREE IHOP’s Count Spatula Scary Face Pancakes 10/28 7am-10pm
10/29 - FREE Taste of Eastern Market 10/19 10am-Noon
10/29 - FREE Downtown Milford Halloween Boo Bash 10/29 5-6pm
10/29 - FREE Halloween Concerts at the DSO 10/29 - Reserve up to 4 Tickets NOW!
10/30 - FREE Halloween Party at Exhibit Museum in Ann Arbor 10/30 Noon-5pm
10/31 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series OCTOBER 31—A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (1984)
10/31 - FREE 1 Night Rental of any Matt Damon Movie at Blockbuster Express ENDS 10/31
10/31 - GIVEAWAY: Just Baked opens Bigger Production Facility to bake even more cupcakes -- ENDS 10/31
WIN Event Tickets with Art Van Best Seat in the House Contests - Concerts, Sports
COUPON: FREE SPA OR HAIR service for 1st Time Customers at Douglas J. Aveda Institute in Royal Oak or Ann Arbor - ENDS 10/31

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