My son loves to read comic books. He has a ton of them and he will be reviewing some soon to be released comic books for my blog starting in January. I want him to read as much as possible and comic books are a way for him to read something that I know he will enjoy.
So I was very pleased to find out about the Marvel Comics app in the Android Market which I can use to not only buy comics, but also download tons of FREE Marvel comics for him to read on my Android tablet.
After you download the app, you can use it to signup for a FREE Marvel account. There is a tab in the Marvel Comics app for the FREE comic books which you can download onto your tablet and read.
The first Marvel Comics we downloaded was a Spider-man comic book called "Avenging Spider-Man". The comic book looks wonderful and it is very readable on a 10" tablet screen. You can also read the comic book on a 7" tablet screen, but you will have to enlarge it to read the story. I took a few screens shots of the comic book on my tablet which you can see above.
Click here for the FREE Marvel Comics App in the Google Play Store
The Marvel Comics App is also available for iPad

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