Don't waste money - Read FREEISMYLIFE Movie Reviews before you buy this week's new DVD's
The movie "War Horse" comes out on DVD this Tuesday, April 3, 2012. Before you buy, read the movie review here on FREEISMYLIFE.
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War Horse - Read the Review
War Horse - Buy on
DVD release date: 04/03/2012
Theatrical release: 12/25/2011
Language: English
Genre: War
MPAA rating: PG-13
Director: Steven Spielberg
Actors: Jeremy Irvine, Tom Hiddleston, Emily Watson
Plot: Albert is a young man who has developed a close bond with his horse, Joey. After Joey is conscripted to fight in WWI, Albert, despite being underage, enlists himself in order to make it to the trenches of France and save his friend.

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