A FREE concert to entertain and educate singers, speakers and others in the community will be held Monday, April 16, 2012 in Detroit to celebrate the 5th annual World Voice Day.
Hosted by the Henry Ford Medical Center for the Performing Artist, this year’s celebration “Make Your Voice Count,” will be held from 6:30 - 9 p.m. at the Virgil H. Carr Cultural Arts center located at 311 E. Grand Boulevard.
The event will include performances by local artists Rumya Honasoge, Christina Dastolfo, Natalie Cochran, 4GVN and The Reflections.
Experts with the Henry Ford Medical Center for the Performing Artist also will discuss proper care of the voice for performers as part of the World Voice Day event.
The group provides medical and speech pathology services to performers and those at risk for straining their voices due to their professional or private activities such as singing, lecturing, teaching, broadcasting, and those talking for long periods of time.
The event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited and reservations are required by April 12. Call (313) 916-8088 or email voiceday@hfhs.org to register.

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