I had heard many good things about The Intouchables before seeing a screening of it, as it had screened several times before in my area, and was looking forward to seeing it. It definitely lived up to the hype, which makes sense as it's the second most successful French film of all time at the French box office, and it is one of the funnier movies I've seen recently as well.
The wealthy Philippe (Francois Cluzet, Tell No One) is looking for a caretaker, as he was paralyzed in a hang-gliding accident and is unable to move from the neck down. He interviews a slew of qualified candidates including Driss (Omar Sy, Micmacs), who doesn't even seem to be taking the interview seriously. Nonetheless, Driss sticks in Phillippe's mind and is hired. Driss is a poor kid from the projects and could definitely use a job, so he agrees to take it; the fact that the position comes with his own room and bathroom appeals to him too. Driss and Philippe quickly become friends, and Driss encourages Philippe to step out of his comfort zone and connect more with others, including a woman with whom Philippe has been exchanging letters.
Yes, see this film. The movie actually starts at the end of the story, but it will grab your attention. Though the film did slow down a bit in its second half, it is overall a touching story with jabs of humor throughout. Francois Cluzet, who looks like a younger Dustin Hoffman, does a great job in this film, as does Omar Sy as his caretaker, and various other household staff as others who also take care of Philippe. The film has already captivated audiences in France and around the world, and there's no reason to doubt it will continue its worldwide appeal when The Intouchables opens in the U.S. today.
The Intouchables is in theaters now and is rated R with a runtime of 112 minutes. French with English subtitles. 3.5 stars out of 5.
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