Only a few years ago, a friend of mine at work used to come by in person after returning from each of his vacations and show me all the photos from his trip. He would tell me cute stories about each photo and we would have a great time as he shared his whole trip with me.
Today, photo sharing is nothing like it used to be. Vacation photos are now being shared online using services like Facebook. Within hours of an event, every photo is online being shared with our large network of friends and family all over the world.
While online photo sharing is quick and far reaching, what do you do when you don't want to share photos with every single person in your network? What if you have photos of your kids that you only want to share with your immediate family or you have a special photo you just want to share with your significant other? New services like OutMyWindow are giving people more control over who sees our online photos.
Out My Window is a FREE online photo sharing service that allows you to capture all your precious moments and easily delegate who gets to see them. Out My Window has a camera app that works with iPhone®, iPad®, iPod touch® and Google TV™.
Out My Window is perfect for people who are worried about photos of their family being on the internet because you can use the app to setup groups and then only send photos to people in those groups. This app gives you complete control over who sees your photos. You can even use the app to send photos to a digital frame.
Out My Window allows you to keep things private in a public, digital world.

I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for 'outmywindow™.'
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