On July 11, 2012, aka 7-Eleven Day, 7-Eleven will commemorate its 85th Birthday by throwing a Slurpee celebration where customers will receive a free 7.11-oz. Slurpee drink from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Since 2002, millions of free Slurpee beverages have been given away on July 11th and 7-Eleven estimates this to be the biggest birthday to date as they prepare to give away 7 million free Slurpee drinks.In addition, 7-Eleven’s Slurpee drink is celebrating 45 flavor-filled years on July 11 making the day a double brainfreezin’ good time.
To keep the party going, 7-Eleven invites customers in store to peel, play and win with Big Summer Sweeps’ game pieces found on specially marked products throughout the store. Stop you your local participating 7-Eleven through the end of the August to win big prizes like a PepsiMax VIP trip package to the football championship or a BMW Motorbike F800 GS.
Topping off the festivities, 7-Eleven is providing its guests party apparel - - tiny bowties, tiny hair bows, the popular tiny party hats, and new even tinier party hats are available for download at Slurpee.com in honor of the big birthday celebration.

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