Effective immediately, admission to the Detroit Institute of Arts (DIA) is FREE for all residents of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties as a result of voter approval Tuesday in the three counties of a 10-year millage to support DIA operations.
“We are thrilled that voters in the three counties have assured a bright future for the DIA by approving this millage proposal, and we deeply appreciate their support,” said Graham W. J. Beal, DIA director. “When we announced that we would seek the millage, we pledged that if it were to pass we would provide free admission to residents of all three counties. We are immediately following through on that pledge.”
Annmarie Erickson, DIA chief operating officer, said “We appreciate each county’s investment in the DIA and the incredible effort from museum staff and volunteers throughout the campaign. We look forward to welcoming Wayne, Oakland and Macomb County residents to the museum at no charge. At the same time, we will begin implementing plans to increase endowment fund raising, continue to manage our budget carefully and work hard to deliver an excellent museum experience to every visitor.”
Voters in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties approved a 0.2 mil levy for the next 10 years to provide operating funds for the DIA. The museum will now focus its ongoing fundraising efforts on enhancing its endowment to provide a long-term stable source of funding for its operations.
The free admission for tri-county residents includes the display from now through Sept. 2 of a painting by Johannes Vermeer on loan from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. The painting, Woman Holding a Balance, is on view in the Dutch galleries, and the museum wants people to take advantage of the rare opportunity to see a Vermeer painting, as there are only 11 in U.S. museums and 35 in the world.
Two other current exhibitions also can be accessed through the free admission. Five Spanish Masterpieces features loans of paintings by Salvador Dalí, El Greco, Francisco de Goya and Diego Velázquez, along with the DIA’s celebrated Melancholy Woman by Pablo Picasso. Picasso and Matisse: The DIA’s Prints and Drawings showcases almost all the DIA’s works by these two great modern artists.
The DIA is currently working on enhanced benefits for DIA members and additional programs and community outreach.
Hours and Admission
Museum hours are 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Fridays, and 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Admission is free for residents of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties and for DIA members who live outside the tri-county area.
Admsision is $8 for adults, $6 for seniors and $4 for ages 6–17 for individuals living outside the tri-county area. For membership information call 313-833-7971.
Detroit Institute of Arts
5200 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48202

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