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Share some yummy Great Value Cinnamon Rolls this Valentine's Day |
I did not inherit the cooking gene. While I love to eat, I am much more comfortable eating food cooked by others than cooking it myself. I used to be a little ashamed of my lack of kitchen skills, until I realized that a lot of my family members were not totally cooking or baking from scratch, but using a combination of store bought items combined with a little of this and a little of that.
So when a traditional food holiday like Valentine's Day comes around, I don't fret about having to whip something up from scratch - not when I can buy Great Value brand refrigerated dough items at my local Walmart that taste great and don't break the bank.
Store brands is how I roll...
I have been shopping store brand food products for years and overall find them to have the same great taste and flavor as the national brands but at a substantial savings. And the Great Value brand that can be found at Walmart stores has some yummy refrigerated baking dough items that my family loves to eat.
My son L-O-V-E-S hot sticky delicious cinnamon rolls right out of the oven - and so do I. And Great Value Cinnamon Rolls are the best. What could be more simple and fun than to pick up a tube for around $2 and share these with the family and friends on Valentine's Day? After the rolls come out of the oven all hot and smelling great, I am sure there will be a fight over who gets to put on the cream cheese icing.
And Great Value has other refrigerated dough products to make your Valentine Day special for the family including yummy Chocolate Chip cookies and pie crusts to help you whip up a Valentine Day specialty without a spending tons of time and money.
My Valentine Day specialty is to put together a cookie bar. I first bake the Great Value Chocolate Chip Cookies, which make my home smell wonderful and chocolaty. Next I top the cookies with two scoops of ice cream and broken pieces of chocolate candy bar and then top the whole thing with chocolate sauce drizzled on the ice cream and on the plate. It is best to dig in while the cookies are still hot and the ice cream chilled. Believe me when I say the total experience is heavenly! My family loves it.
The best meal is one shared....
Recently two members of my extended family passed away from complications due to cancer and heart disease. As the members of my family joined together to eat after the ceremonies, one thing I noticed is how sharing a meal seems to bring people closer together. No one cared if the food was made from scratch or store bought - only that it tasted great and that is was being enjoyed with loved ones.
So as Valentine's Day approaches, remember that the best meal is one shared with those we love.
To find out other frugal ways to use Great Value refrigerated dough items for Valentine's Day, check out the following bloggers -
Amanda, Coping With Frugality, http://www.copingwithfrugality.com
Amee, Madame Deals, http://www.madamedeals.com
Angela, Frugal Living NW, http://www.frugallivingnw.com
Ashley & Julie, Frugal Coupon Living, http://www.frugalcouponliving.com
Beth, Simply Budgeted, http://www.simplybudgeted.com
Christi, Frugal Novice, http://frugalnovice.com
Jen & Sia, Thrifty NW Mom, http://www.thriftynorthwestmom.com
Jenn, Frugal Upstate, http://www.frugalupstate.com
Jennifer, The Simple Pen, http://thesimplepen.com/
Karen, Koupon Karen, http://www.kouponkaren.com
Kasandria, Southern Bella's Ways to Save, http://www.southernbellaswaystosave.com
Kim, 2 Kids and a Coupon, http://www.twokidsandacoupon.com
Leanette, Teach Me 2 Save, http://teachme2save.com
Tara, Unsophisticook, http://unsophisticook.com/

Disclosure: I wrote this post as part of a sponsored blogging tour by The Motherhood and Great Value. All opinions are my own.
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