December 14, 2013 5-10pm
FREE, but pre-registration is encouraged due to limited seating
The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association presents
The Most Powerful Voices Christmas Concert and Health Expo
Saturday, December 14th at Greater Grace Temple
Saturday, December 14th at Greater Grace Temple
Learn the warning signs and act quickly, because time lost is brain lost. Heart disease and stroke are major health risks for all people, but African Americans are at particularly high risk.
This event is FREE, however, pre-registrations are strongly encouraged due to limited seating.
Pre-register and attend the health fair to be eligible for prizes and giveaways!
Schedule of Events for December 14th a Greater Grace Temple
5 - 7pm Health EXPO
FREE Health Screenings, Simple Cooking with Heart Cooking Demonstration, Hustle and Fitness Demonstrations, and more!
Presenting Donald Lawrence and Company
Also featuring BET Sunday Best Season 6 Winner Tasha Page Lockhart and the
2013 Verizon How Sweet the Sound People's Choice Award Winning Apostolic Church Sanctuary Choir.
Hosted by on-Air Radio Personalities CoCo and Tracey McCaskill.
Greater Grace Temple
23500 West 7 Mile Road
Detroit, Michigan, 48219

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