Monday, December 2, 2013

TECH: #RadioShack Stores have been Redesigned for Holiday Shopping and beyond! #MC

The newly designed Radio Shack stores are all about demoing the products...
New RadioShack stores are designed to make tech shopping a breeze...

Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for RadioShack. I received a gift card to facilitate a shopping trip and promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Did you brave the crowds on Thanksgiving night and Black Friday? As much as I love discount shopping, crowds are really not my thing. On Black Friday, I got up nice and late and took my sweet time to go shopping because I already knew that most everything on my shopping list was available down the street from my house at the brand new (and newly designed) RadioShack store at the Gateway Mall at 8 mile and Woodward in Detroit.

New RadioShack store at 8 Mile and Woodward in Detroit
This RadioShack store at the Gateway Mall is only a month old and sports a new hip and cool interior design with updated merchandise that is now shared by RadioShack stores in 21 cities across the country.

If you read my last post where I detailed my RadioShack Black Friday shopping plans, I needed to buy tech gifts for a charity called Operation Good Cheer which I donate to every holiday by "adopting" a chid in need who is the same age as my son and buying that child holiday gifts. Also my son needs some new ear buds since he is constantly losing them.

From reading the Black Friday ad, I knew that I could buy all the tech gifts that I needed at a good price in one shopping trip at RadioShack. And my Black Friday shopping trip to RadioShack was just how I like shopping to be - quick and cheap!!!

Nice haul for only $30 TOTAL!!!
My Operation Good Cheer child asked for two tech gifts - a remote control plane and a cell phone.  For Black Friday, RadioShack sold the RC Execuheli remote control plane for $15 - which is 50% off the retail price. Also for Black Friday, RadioShack sold a Samsung no-contract Tracfone bundle for only $5.

I was also able to buy two pair of earbuds for my son since RadioShack sold Auvio Pearl Buds at 66% off for $4.99 on Black Friday. Thanks to these great deals at RadioShack, I only spent $30 total - HOLLA!!

The new RadioShack stores feature a cool design and are setup for you to try out products...
The new RadioShack Store design is pretty sweet...
The new RadioShack store layout is great for consumers who like to try out items before they buy them.  I liked that I could see what the helicopter that I bought would look like out of the box since RadioShack had all the planes that they sold on display.

If you are looking for stereo equipment, you will love the new RadioShack setup.  I found all the headphones and speakers are setup and turned on so that I could hear how the sound differed from product to product.

I fell in love with a pair of Sol Republic headphones (which were 20% off) after listening to them and all the other headphone brands. I could tell right away that the Sol Republic Headphones sound quality were far superior to the other brands.  I will be back to get me a pair after the holidays.

RadioShack has also setup the speakers for your listening pleasure all along one wall.  Just hit the buttons on the touchscreen panel (which is located right in front of the speaker wall) and music plays out of the chosen speaker so you can test out and compare products.

Have you seen RadioShack's new logo?
Holiday shoppers like me were among the first to experience RadioShack’s recently updated stores. But by the end of 2013, RadioShack will have more than 100 concept and brand statement stores open and will have made improvements to nearly all 4,300 stores throughout the nation.

So if you have not been inside a RadioShack store lately, I suggest you take a peek for yourself. Just look for the new exterior store signage bearing RadioShack's cool new logo. You can also shop RadioShack online for your holiday purchases. And remember pick-up a RadioShack sales ad to see what holiday bargains will await you...


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