Keep reading to see all the great July FREE and low cost events, deals, contests and more in Detroit and beyond...
Late Night Happy Hour at Bahama Breeze features 1/2 Priced Appetizers & Drink Specials every Sunday through Thursday from 9pm to close
Start Saving at the Pump with the FREE Shell Fuel Rewards Card
COUPON: FREE MiniBon for Joining the Cinnabon Club
DEAL: 99 Cent .COM Domain Registrations at GoDaddy with special offer link for a limited time
FREE eBook: What would Judy Say? Be the Hero of Your Own Story by Judge Judy
Earn FREE Google Play Credits just for taking Short Surveys with the Google Opinions Rewards App
FREE Apple 3-Day Summer Camps for Kids age 8 to 12 - SPACE IS LIMITED
7/01 - 7/04 - Cedar Point celebrates 4th of July with Fireworks, FREE Admission for Military, and Discount Offers
7/01 - 8/14 - FREE 7th annual Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan Kids 'N Kicks Summer Walking Program 6/8 - 8/14
7/01 - 8/31 - FREE Summer Math Program from TenMarks available on Apple, Android, Fire OS - ENDS 8/31
7/02 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/03 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/04 - FREE Junior Chef Classes at Williams-Sonoma Saturdays in July - 7/4 - Berry Pies and Crisps - RSVP
7/04 - Get 50% off Clothing at The Salvation Army Thrift Stores for their 4th of July Sale - 7/4
7/04 - FREE Home Depot Kids Workshop 7/4 - Build a Minions Scooter to celebrate the movie release
7/04 - Get 50% off Clothing at The Salvation Army Thrift Stores for their 4th of July Sale - 7/4
7/04 - FREE Home Depot Kids Workshop 7/4 - Build a Minions Scooter to celebrate the movie release
7/05 - FREE Cooking Classes at Williams-Sonoma Sundays in July - 7/5 - The Perfect Roast Chicken - RSVP
7/06 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series - July 6th - American Snipper (2014)
7/09 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/10 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/10 - FREE 10th Annual Canton Color Tour Jazz Series 7/10 - 7 - 9pm
7/10 - 7/11 - Milford Annual Sidewalk Sale offers up to 75% off select retailers 7/10 7/11
7/11 - FREE Junior Chef Classes at Williams-Sonoma Saturdays in July - 7/11 - Cooking with Salt - RSVP
7/11 - FREE Small Slurpee on 7-Eleven Day, 7/11 from 11am to 7pm
7/12 - FREE Admission to the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History 7/12 1-5pm
7/12 - FREE Cooking Classes at Williams-Sonoma Sundays in July - 7/12 - Cooking with Salt - RSVP
7/13 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series - July 13th - MCFARLAND, USA (2015)
7/16 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/17 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/17 - FREE 10th Annual Canton Color Tour Jazz Series 7/10 - 7 - 9pm
7/18 - FREE Junior Chef Classes at Williams-Sonoma Saturdays in July - 7/18 - Kids Vitamix: Smoothies and Snacks - RSVP
7/19 - FREE Cooking Classes at Williams-Sonoma Sundays in July - 7/19 - Vitamin: Beyond the Smoothie - RSVP
7/20 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series - July 20th - The Great Detroit (2014)
7/21 - FREE Comerica Java & Jazz Concert Series at Detroit Main Library continues on 7/21 with Obed Succari
7/21 - Applebee’s hosts Taste The Change” Day with FREE Appetizers on 7/21
723 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/24 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/24 - FREE 10th Annual Canton Color Tour Jazz Series 7/10 - 7 - 9pm
7/26 - FREE Junior Chef Classes at Williams-Sonoma Saturdays in July - 7/26 -DIY Ice Cream Sandwiches - RSVP
7/26 - FREE Cooking Classes at Williams-Sonoma Sundays in July - 7/26 - Non Sticking Sautéing - RSVP
7/27 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series - July 27th - KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE (2015)
7/30 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/31 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/31 - FREE 10th Annual Canton Color Tour Jazz Series 7/10 - 7 - 9pm
7/06 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series - July 6th - American Snipper (2014)
7/09 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/10 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/10 - FREE 10th Annual Canton Color Tour Jazz Series 7/10 - 7 - 9pm
7/10 - 7/11 - Milford Annual Sidewalk Sale offers up to 75% off select retailers 7/10 7/11
7/11 - FREE Junior Chef Classes at Williams-Sonoma Saturdays in July - 7/11 - Cooking with Salt - RSVP
7/11 - FREE Small Slurpee on 7-Eleven Day, 7/11 from 11am to 7pm
7/12 - FREE Admission to the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History 7/12 1-5pm
7/12 - FREE Cooking Classes at Williams-Sonoma Sundays in July - 7/12 - Cooking with Salt - RSVP
7/16 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/17 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/17 - FREE 10th Annual Canton Color Tour Jazz Series 7/10 - 7 - 9pm
7/19 - FREE Cooking Classes at Williams-Sonoma Sundays in July - 7/19 - Vitamin: Beyond the Smoothie - RSVP
7/20 - FREE Dearborn Main Library Blockbusters Film Series - July 20th - The Great Detroit (2014)
7/21 - FREE Comerica Java & Jazz Concert Series at Detroit Main Library continues on 7/21 with Obed Succari
7/21 - Applebee’s hosts Taste The Change” Day with FREE Appetizers on 7/21
723 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/24 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/24 - FREE 10th Annual Canton Color Tour Jazz Series 7/10 - 7 - 9pm
7/26 - FREE Cooking Classes at Williams-Sonoma Sundays in July - 7/26 - Non Sticking Sautéing - RSVP
7/30 - 50% off Craft Draft Beers & Wines THURSDAY's 2pm to close at Bagger Dave's
7/31 - FREE eBook listed TODAY and every week on the Nook Blog for Freebie Friday
7/31 - FREE 10th Annual Canton Color Tour Jazz Series 7/10 - 7 - 9pm