Starting today, Monday, February 12, 2018, Chobani is offering free yogurt to fans across America.*
It’s part of a national 10th anniversary celebration to say thanks and pay it forward to the people, employees, and communities who have helped Chobani grow, and welcome new fans to the family!
Here’s how you can get in on this amazing offer:
- To receive a free participating Chobani® product, fans simply need to print a coupon at and visit any participating retail store during the three-week offer period.*
- Plus, for 30 million Amazon Echo users, Chobani has a customized Alexa command to redeem their coupon on Amazon Fresh and Prime Now Platforms.
The coupon can be redeemed toward any single item of 5.3-oz Chobani® Greek Yogurt, 5.3-oz Flip® yogurt snack, 10-oz Chobani® Greek Yogurt drink or 5.3-oz Chobani® Smooth (2-pack).
Whether you’re a yogurt super-fan, or one of the nearly half of the country who still hasn’t even tried Greek yogurt**, there has never been a better time to get your delicious, nutritious, natural Chobani! But, as with all celebrations, this won’t be around forever. Offer ends March 4.
*No purchase necessary to receive free participating product. Quantities limited, while supplies last. Void in NJ & LA. For additional terms and restrictions visit
** Ispos 2017 Household Data.

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